Calliope, Muse of Eloquence:  English Words from Classical Mythology


Atlas was a Titan, a deity of great strength and power. According to the most ancient stories, the Titans ruled the universe, and Cronus was their leader. The son of Cronus, Zeus, overthrew his father in a terrible battle and condemed all the Titans to bitter punishments. The punishment for Atlas was one of the worst. He had to hold the world on his shoulders. The earth was very heavy, and no one would help him.

Atlas had one visitor: Hercules. Hercules was looking for the Golden Apples of the Hesperides. He had traveled through many countries to find them: Egypt, Libya, Macedonia, Greece, Russia, and Turkey. Since Atlas was the father of the Hesperides, Hercules asked him for help. Atlas said he would get the apples if Hercules would hold the earth while he was gone. Hercules agreed. When Atlas returned with the apples, he said Hercules could just keep on holding the earth and that Atlas would deliver the apples for him.

Hercules had to think fast, because he knew Atlas was never coming back. Hercules would have to hold all the countries of the earth on his shoulders. He asked Atlas to hold the earth again for just a moment while Hercules put a pad on his shoulders. Atlas did, and Hercules took the apples and left.

Based on this story, what would you expect an atlas to be?

Atlas carrying the world on his shoulders