Calliope, Muse of Eloquence:  English Words from Classical Mythology


The Greek hero Odysseus spent many years wandering the Mediterranean Sea after helping win the Trojan War. Eventually he lost all his ships and all his crew. He was trapped on an island with the nymph, Calypso, who loved him. She did everything she could to make his life happy and carefree. She wanted him to forget about his wife and son, so he would stay with her.

Odysseus, however, still wanted to return to his family and to his own country, Ithaca. Finally Athena persuaded most of the Olympian gods that he should be allowed to return home. Zeus sent Hermes, his messenger, to tell Calypso that she had to let Odysseus leave her island.

Calypso was angry and hurt. She had to obey, Zeus, though, and five days later Odysseus set sail on a strong raft.

Today we call music from the Caribbean islands calypso music to remember the beautiful nymph and her island.

Calypso music comes originally from the Caribbean Islands.
What kind of music is it?

romantic music
carefree music
angry and hurt music