A week ago today a workman in my home stole a necklace, one I’d had for years. I couldn’t prove anything, but it was gone. Trust destroyed. Lesson learned.
In frustration I said a few words to the thief on Facebook. I supposed that he had converted it into weekend drug money, and I closed the post with these words: “You stole a necklace and got trashed for a few hours. I have happy memories over many years. I win.” I didn’t have a photo, so I googled something close and used it as part of my post.
One of my friends tracked down the maker of the necklace in the post and anonymously sent it to me. It arrived today. (See above.)
When I wear this necklace, I will remember their kindness and generosity of spirit. I’ll do my best to share it. Kindness is real. Lesson learned.
Thank you.
That’s so touching and such a new album of faith. ❤️
Oy. Should read: renewal of faith. I don’t know how to edit but my keyboard certainly knows how to freak out.
That’s so touching and such a renewal of faith. ❤️